Frequently asked questions about Canberra Metro and Canberra’s light rail project

Who is Canberra Metro?

Canberra Metro is contracted by the ACT Government for the design, construction, operations, maintenance and financing of Canberra’s light rail system.

Canberra Metro is a consortium consisting of Pacific Partnerships, CPB Contractors, John Holland Group, UGL, Mitsubishi Corporation, Aberdeen Infrastructure Investments, DB Engineering & Consulting (formerly Deutsche Bahn International), CAF and Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Ltd (MUFG).

When did light rail first start operating in Canberra?

The first stage of Canberra’s light rail network started operating on 20th April 2019. Stage 1 of the network is a twelve-kilometre route that connects the northern area of Gungahlin to Canberra’s City centre. Please visit Canberra Metro Operations to find out more about Stage 1 light rail operations.

Where can I find out more about light rail operations?

Please visit Canberra Metro Operations to find out more about Stage 1 light rail operations.

Is Canberra’s light rail accessible for people with a disability?

Canberra’s light rail system is designed to allow ease-of-access for customers of all abilities.

Each light rail vehicle (LRV) has twelve priority seats for customers with limited mobility and two dedicated spaces for wheelchairs.

There are no steps throughout the light rail system, either on board the vehicles or at stops. The floor of each LRV is virtually horizontal with the stop platform so there is no step up or down to board the LRV. This design offers a high level of access for people who use mobility aids and those who find navigating stairs difficult. It also minimises the potential for trips and falls.

For customers with a visual impairment, braille lettering and raised pictograms are located at each stop to provide information. Audio announcement messages also assist visually impaired customers with information about the stop facilities and departure times, and audio alarms indicate opening and closing of the LRV doors.

Hearing Loops are available at each stop and on board all LRVs.

For more information on the accessibility features of light rail please visit Canberra Metro Operations.

What is a Public Private Partnership?

The Canberra Light Rail project is being delivered through a public private partnership (commonly known as PPPs). A PPP is a long-term business relationship between the government and the private sector to provide public infrastructure.

Canberra’s Light Rail PPP is between the ACT Government and the Canberra Metro consortium.  The PPP for Stage 1 of the network is for approximately 23 years and includes the construction and operation of stage one of the light rail network for 20 years.

Where can I find timetable information for light rail?

Plan your light, bus or active travel trip using the Transport Canberra journey planner (link to

What measures have been put in place to keep pedestrians and cyclists safe around light rail?

To support the safety of pedestrians and cyclists safety features have been installed at intersections and crossings, including:

  • New pedestrian signals to guide pedestrians safely across the light rail tracks at intersections.
  • Custom-designed crossings that provide a safe area for pedestrians as they wait to cross the light rail tracks.

Canberra Metro and the ACT Government launched a public safety campaign prior to the start of light rail operations. The campaign focuses on raising awareness of how to stay safe around light rail.

  1. Only cross the light rail tracks at designated crossings and intersections. And, always wait for the green pedestrian signal before you cross.
  2. If crossing the light rail tracks at a crossing that has no pedestrian signals, stop and look both ways before you cross. Light rail vehicles are quiet and can approach from either direction.
  3. Always pay attention and stay alert around light rail. Earphones and other distractions like texting, reading on your phone and taking photos can put you at risk.
  4. Cyclists should dismount when crossing the light rail tracks.
  5. When driving please do not queue across intersections. Always wait for the path to be clear ahead before proceeding through intersections.
  6. Remember, LRVs take longer to stop than other vehicles and cannot swerve to avoid contact.
  7. Tracks are for the light rail vehicles. Please NO NOT drive, cycle, walk or skate down the tracks.

Click here for more information about rail safety.

Where can I find information on Stage 2 of Light Rail?

Light rail is linking more people to where they want to go – transforming Canberra’s public transport network. More information on the next stage of light rail visit Light Rail to Woden on the ACT Government’s Your Say website.